Your order can take up to 3 working days, or it might get delivered the same day. It really depends on when you order and in what area we happen to be doing deliveries at that time.
We have plenty of stock ready in store, so you can just walk in and choose from our wide variety of products in store.
We deliver to all major towns and cities throughout the Western Cape as well as Johannesburg & Pretoria. For our delivery rates, please check out Delivery Information
Yes, we believe that freezing meat is the best way to preserve the flavour and freshness. Our lamb and pork is vacuum sealed and freshly frozen within 4 days of being butchered and our beef immediatly after being dry aged. All products are then kept below -18 degrees until sold to you.
Yes all our lamb is certified free range Karoo lamb. Our lamb also caries the International Karoo lamb Geographical Indication (GI) mark.
Yes, all our lamb, beef and pork is free range. Each product comes with a tracebility number, and we are able to trace the meat back to it's origin.
No, our meat is from free range farming and none of the animals recieve any growth hormones and stimulants or any routine antibiotics.
No, we cut the same amount of tjops from each lamb, a heavier box would simply mean that the box was cut from a heavier lamb and that your tjops will be larger. If you prefer larger tjops, we recommend you go for the heavier boxes.
All meat is not created equal, and being both farmer and butcher we understand what makes the difference.
Firstly, we believe the single most important part of quality meat is the quality of the fat and we therefore breed our animals accordingly. Our lamb is mix breed between “Dorper” and “Van Rooy”, “Dorper” for their build and “Van Rooy“ for the fat quality. Similarly our beef is a mix of “Angus” and “Jersey”, again one breed for the build and the other for fat quality. These breed combinations allows for perfectly formed cuts with high quality fat that melts at a lower temperature, giving the meat a superior flavour and succulence.
Secondly, our lamb and beef are grass fed and grass finished. Free range is a healthier and more natural way of raising an animal that feedlots and other forms of intensive farming simply cannot recreate. The diet and stress environment of animal has a direct impact on the quality and taste of its meat, furthermore this allows us to raise our animals without the use of routine antibiotics and growth hormones, which is pretty much standard practice at feedlots.
Thirdly, after our carcasses are aged appropriately, the meat is cut, vacuum packed and then immediately frozen. The misconception that frozen meat is of a lower quality is absolute rubbish. This stems from butchers and retailers that freeze old products that have reached the end of their shelf life, but is vastly different from products that are intentionally freshly frozen. Freezing is simply nature’s “pause button” and a natural way of preserving food without having to add preservatives. It does not affect the quality of the meat and compared to unfrozen meat, which is often kept on shelves for a considerable amount of time and treated with MAP gasses, a freshly frozen product is better and will undoubtably taste better.
Our business is family owned and currently managed by 5th generation Karoo Farmers from Carnarvon.